miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2023

I am still, not the problem, I think

 I am tired so very tired 

I am a bit paranoid, 

I am a bit deflated 

I am I am I am 

I don't wanna be 

 Creo que ya se que quiero comprarles a mis amigos de navidads, 

 David algo de star wars of course, I'm not sure what tho, 

I'll buy some clothing for Faby

Some shirt and march for Sebas

Something very goth for Sthef 

Something for Randy and Gabo maybe? 

Something 4 my mom dad and Adri, 

Something for Tsuri Arqui Yaso Ryuchi and Abra

I've a list of merch I'd like to buy David as well

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023

Me he ecnotnrado recientemente con la insatisfacción conmigo misma, 
Debo trabajar y tratar de no maltratar a las personas que quiero y amo a mi alrededor por causas que son sólo mías, 
No puedo negar que me sienta un poco, no sola, pero me cuesta entender, procesar y llegar a la profundidad de las emociones de los lazos que trato de nutrir y no lo siento.

Idk if the thing is that I wanna be alone or that I'd just go on the pot of depression if so.

There's nothing wrong with you

I'm not feeling very well,

I'm not feeling social, nor affectionate, 

I've been feeling like I get mad or cry at least once a day for reasons that are completely avoidable, 

not feeling sexual, not desire, not even self 

not feeling like doing anything when I get home, 

nor when I am home.

I'm sick and tired of being ask everyday what are we gonna eat, 

I kinda wanna live in a rural area ? 

Maybe something outside a City to try it out...

Want a remotejob then