miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

Estoy pensando y considerando muy seriamente En matatme
Killing myself
I can't keep on existing

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Por primera ve en mas de 5 años me corté
Hoy tomé dos miligramo de alprazolam y medio un poquito y un poquito de hongos y voy a tomar dos vasos de mimosa y espero poderme ir a dormir pronto
Diria que ojalá no despierte pero se te voy a despertar así que ojalá que cuando despierte me sienta menos mal

i wish I could give up

If i kill myself today
I'll make my parents very very sad 
And i Don't want that
I'll probably traumatize my friends
And i don't want that
Probably no one will find me until probably weekend when i Don't show up to work
So my corpse will be rotting for some time then
I'll most probably inconvenient Juan's family as i Don't think anyone else will take care of my corpse
Even th won't want, and I'll be so humiliating as i kinda hate them 
The solution for the two last one is that no one ever find my corpse but that's kinda difficult, doable
I still worry about the people who loves me that will be sad about it
I kinda wish it wasn't the case so o can leave without worry 
The alternative is always, keep on living miserable doing my best bare minimum to stay alive
As always