lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

I've been quite happy with me and my life lately!
Has been awesome achieving what I've done 
I live comfortably in Providencia, I work on a job that I mostly like 
Although I've to get really really early for it, doesn't pay that much but is okay i guess 
I've been good out s lot snd being very social
I like that, but I've come to my limit
Also, therapy has helped me a lot with my self-esteem, but I need to keep working in my boundaries because they're inexistent 
I love myself, but I wish i could follow through i. All the Situations and be consequent with what i want 

I met Araceli, she's a wonderful person :) 
I sadly miss out in her last day pf work with us 
I wanted to congratulate her and accompany her but 

Sometimes I exceed on alcoholic and drugs and couldn't follow all the way to work that day and if I want I'll look ridiculous and be crying all day

Idk why i was feeling So badly that day 
I'm still am

Well after two months of feeling the best person that ever existed, sad but thstt feeling couldn't last forever , I wish tbh 

So overall I'm doing awesomely :) 
I just need to organize better with finances and be honest with my own needs, be consequent, and I'll be fine ,

viernes, 4 de junio de 2021

Pase una buena noche con Carlos
Me gusto mucho
Me costó mucho despertarme 
Me siento un pcpo mal pry lo ansiosa que me pone llegar tarde al trabajo

Carlosny yo tenemos nuestras diferencias but 
I don't know if thid is gonns work mid-long term, I want this to work 
I really like and enjoy being with him  the attention snd "love he gives me 
Altho i feel if thst i don't have that like
Scape in my lofe from time to time I'll just break down

He's really sweet 
I also feel bad but because of me
Just because i wsntedy rot spend more time there with him

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

Estoy pensando y considerando muy seriamente En matatme
Killing myself
I can't keep on existing

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Por primera ve en mas de 5 años me corté
Hoy tomé dos miligramo de alprazolam y medio un poquito y un poquito de hongos y voy a tomar dos vasos de mimosa y espero poderme ir a dormir pronto
Diria que ojalá no despierte pero se te voy a despertar así que ojalá que cuando despierte me sienta menos mal

i wish I could give up

If i kill myself today
I'll make my parents very very sad 
And i Don't want that
I'll probably traumatize my friends
And i don't want that
Probably no one will find me until probably weekend when i Don't show up to work
So my corpse will be rotting for some time then
I'll most probably inconvenient Juan's family as i Don't think anyone else will take care of my corpse
Even th won't want, and I'll be so humiliating as i kinda hate them 
The solution for the two last one is that no one ever find my corpse but that's kinda difficult, doable
I still worry about the people who loves me that will be sad about it
I kinda wish it wasn't the case so o can leave without worry 
The alternative is always, keep on living miserable doing my best bare minimum to stay alive
As always

lunes, 12 de abril de 2021


Today i had a nightmare
It was about Fernando
I dreamed that i was meeting him for the first time again
He still was dating Veronica
And it was really awful

You see
There are wounds that heals really slowly, or never heal at all
Has been almost or maybe more than 3 years since we broke up
And i still have nightmares about it 
It still hurts someway
And I'm emotionally unavailable since we broke up, i haven't really be able to "fix myself" or to really trust anyone else again
Is kinda pathetic
Makes me sad 

I really don't need more sadness rn but 
Idk i can't control my dreams

I'll try not to think about it fot the rest fot the day
Is 5.30am after all 

domingo, 4 de abril de 2021

I.. might be depressed
I dont wanna do anything ever 
That's it, that's all.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021