lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

I've been quite happy with me and my life lately!
Has been awesome achieving what I've done 
I live comfortably in Providencia, I work on a job that I mostly like 
Although I've to get really really early for it, doesn't pay that much but is okay i guess 
I've been good out s lot snd being very social
I like that, but I've come to my limit
Also, therapy has helped me a lot with my self-esteem, but I need to keep working in my boundaries because they're inexistent 
I love myself, but I wish i could follow through i. All the Situations and be consequent with what i want 

I met Araceli, she's a wonderful person :) 
I sadly miss out in her last day pf work with us 
I wanted to congratulate her and accompany her but 

Sometimes I exceed on alcoholic and drugs and couldn't follow all the way to work that day and if I want I'll look ridiculous and be crying all day

Idk why i was feeling So badly that day 
I'm still am

Well after two months of feeling the best person that ever existed, sad but thstt feeling couldn't last forever , I wish tbh 

So overall I'm doing awesomely :) 
I just need to organize better with finances and be honest with my own needs, be consequent, and I'll be fine ,

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