I feel bad
Really bad
I am very sleepy,
I want to cry for everything,
You cannot tell me anything literally because I'd want to start crying,
I'm disguising myself very well, I can "mask" and make myself behave and seem like is all okay,
I am beyond overstimulated, overwhelmed, in need of more sleep,
I am uncapable of sharing really how I am feeling, even when I desperately need to share and to be taken into consideration, not even given the chance is like I am physically unable to explain myself,
I really, just want to cry,
I am exceding on exigency on myself,
I really need a long break, I really need no one talking to me and asking shit from me,
I am very tired, I don't even wanna try and explain myself,
I want to hide under a rock and not come out,
I kinda want to dissapear,
Be left alone and in peace, no one asking me shit no one needind shit from me no one asking oblivious questions that I don't want to answer or take caro of anything
Please stop
I am not here
I don't want to be here or anywhere,
Please stop
Edit: Is worse with the feeling that is not like I'm going trough something significant but I'm just so exhausted I can barely function and do the things I'm expected to...Even with "no aparent reason" if that makes sense, It feels worse not having a solid reason of why. Probs Is just a lot of stuff together...